Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Kinds of Medical Thermometers

MEDICAL THERMOMETER Medical thermometers are used for measuring human body temperature, with the tip of the thermometer being inserted either into the mouth under the tongue (oral or sub-lingual temperature), under the armpit (axillary temperature), or into the rectum via the anus (rectal temperature). CLASSIFICATION BY TECHNOLOGY Liquid-filled The traditional thermometer is a glass tube with a bulb at one end containing a liquid which expands in a uniform manner with temperature. The tube itself is narrow (capillary) and has calibration markings along it.The liquid is often mercury, but alcohol thermometers use a colored alcohol. Medically, a maximum thermometer is often used, which indicates the maximum temperature reached even after it is removed from the body. To use the thermometer, the bulb is placed in the location where the temperature is to be measured and left long enough to be certain to reach thermal equilibrium—typically three minutes. Maximum-reading is achieved by means of a constriction in the neck close to the bulb. As the temperature of the bulb rises, the liquid expands up the tube through the constriction.When the temperature falls, the column of liquid breaks at the constriction and cannot return to the bulb, thus remaining stationary in the tube. After reading the value, the thermometer must be reset by repeatedly swinging it sharply to shake the liquid back through the constriction. Mercury Mercury-in-glass thermometers have been considered the most accurate liquid-filled types. However, mercury is a toxic heavy metal, and mercury has only been used in clinical thermometers if protected from breakage of the tube.The tube must be very narrow to minimize the amount of mercury in it—the temperature of the tube is not controlled, so it must contain very much less mercury than the bulb to minimize the effect of the temperature of the tube—and this makes the reading rather difficult as the narrow mercury column is not very visible. Visibility is less of a problem with a coloured liquid. In the 1990s it was decided [by whom? ] that mercury-based thermometers were too risky to handle; the vigorous swinging needed to â€Å"reset† a mercury maximum thermometer makes it easy to accidentally break it and spill the moderately poisonous mercury.Mercury thermometers have largely been replaced by electronic digital thermometers, or, more rarely, thermometers based on liquids other than mercury (such as galinstan, coloured alcohols and heat-sensitive liquid crystals). Electronic or Digital Since compact and inexpensive methods of measuring and displaying temperature became available, electronic thermometers (often called digital, because they display numeric values) have been used. Many display readings to great precision (0. 1  Ã‚ °C or 0.   Ã‚ °F, sometimes half that), but this should not be taken as a guarantee of accuracy: specified accuracy must be checked in documentation and maintained by perio dical recalibration. A typical inexpensive electronic ear thermometer for home use has a displayed resolution of 0. 1  Ã‚ °C, but a stated accuracy within  ±0. 2  Ã‚ °C when new. [1] The first electronic clinical thermometer, invented in 1954, used a flexible probe that contained a Carboloy thermistor. [2] Contact Some electronic thermometers may work by contact (the electronic sensor is placed in the location where temperature is to be measured, and left long enough to reach equilibrium).These typically reach equilibrium faster than mercury thermometers; the thermometer may beep when equilibrium has been reached, or the time may be specified in the manufacturer's documentation. Remote Other electronic thermometers work by remote sensing: an infrared sensor responds to the radiation spectrum emitted from the location. Although these are not in direct contact with the area being measured, they may still contact part of the body (a thermometer which senses the temperature of the eardrum without touching it is inserted into the ear canal).To eliminate the risk of patient cross-infection, disposable probe covers and single-use clinical thermometers of all types are used in clinics and hospitals. Basal thermometer A basal thermometer is a thermometer used to take the basal (base) body temperature, the temperature upon waking. Basal body temperature is much less affected than daytime temperature by environmental factors such as exercise and food intake. This allows small changes in body temperature to be detected, such as those caused by ovulation [3] or changes in thyroid function [citation needed]. Glass oral thermometers typically have markings every 0. 1  Ã‚ °C or 0.   Ã‚ °F. Basal temperature is stable enough to require accuracy of at least 0. 05  Ã‚ °C or 0. 1  Ã‚ °F, so special glass basal thermometers are distinct from glass oral thermometers. Digital thermometers which have sufficient resolution (0. 05  Ã‚ °C or 0. 1  Ã‚ °F is sufficient) may be suitable for monitoring basal body temperatures; the specification should be checked to ensure absolute accuracy, and thermometers (like most digital instruments) should be calibrated at specified intervals. If only the variation of basal temperature is required, absolute accuracy is not so important so long as the readings do not have large variability (e. . , if real temperature varies from 37. 00  Ã‚ °C to 37. 28  Ã‚ °C, a thermometer which inaccurately but consistently reads a change from 37. 17  Ã‚ °C to 37. 45  Ã‚ °C will indicate the magnitude of the change). Some digital thermometers are marketed as â€Å"basal thermometers† and have extra features such as a larger display, expanded memory functions, or beeping to confirm the thermometer is placed properly. CLASSIFICATION BY LOCATION The temperature can be measured in various locations on the body which maintain a fairly stable temperature (mainly sub-lingual, axillary, rectal, vaginal, forehead, or tem poral artery).The normal temperature varies slightly with the location; an oral reading of 37  Ã‚ °C does not correspond to rectal, temporal, etc. readings of the same value. When a temperature is quoted the location should also be specified. If a temperature is stated without qualification (e. g. , typical body temperature) it is usually assumed to be sub-lingual. The differences between core temperature and measurements at different locations, known as clinical bias, are discussed in the article on normal human body temperature.Measurements are subject to both site-dependent clinical bias and variability between a series of measurements (standard deviations of the differences). For example, one study found that the clinical bias of rectal temperatures was greater than for ear temperature measured by a selection of thermometers under test, but variability was less. [4] Oral Oral temperature may only be taken from a patient who is capable of holding the thermometer securely under the tongue, which generally excludes small children or people who are unconscious or overcome by coughing, weakness, or vomiting. This is less of a problem with fast-reacting digital thermometers, but is certainly an issue with mercury thermometers, which take several minutes to stabilize their reading. ) If the patient has drunk a hot or cold liquid beforehand time must be allowed for the mouth temperature to return to its normal value. [5] The typical range of a sub-lingual thermometer for use in humans is from about 35 °C to 42 °C or 90 °F to 110 °F. Armpit The Armpit (axillary) temperature is measured by holding the thermometer tightly under the armpit. One needs to hold the thermometer for several minutes to get an accurate measurement.Rectal Rectal temperature-taking, especially if performed by a person other than the patient, should be facilitated with the use of a water-based personal lubricant. Although rectal temperature is the most accurate, this method may be con sidered unpleasant or embarrassing in some countries or cultures, especially if used on patients older than young children; also, if not taken the correct way, rectal temperature-taking can be uncomfortable and in some cases painful for the patient. Rectal temperature-taking is considered the method of choice for infants. 6] Ear Other kinds of medical thermometers exist, such as the tympanic thermometer that measures the temperature of the tympanum by infrared measurement, The thermometer has a projection (protected by a one-time hygienic sheath) which contains the infrared probe; the projection is gently placed in the ear canal and a button pressed; the temperature is read and displayed within about a second. These thermometers are used both in the home (models are available for prices starting at around 20 USD) and in medical facilities. Temporal arteryA newer development is the Temporal artery thermometer, which uses the infrared principle to accurately report a patient's tempera ture, with comparable accuracy to rectal thermometry. [citation needed] Forehead The band thermometer is applied to the patient's brow. It is typically a band coated with different temperature-sensitive markings using liquid-crystal or similar technology; at a given temperature the markings (numerals indicating the temperature) in one region are at the right temperature to become visible. This type gives an indication of fever, but is not considered accurate.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Confucianism and Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee Essay

Celebrated cases of Judge Dee, a detective novel which describes crime cases which happened in China during the Tang Dynasty, in the 7th Century. In the book Judge Dee is a well known magistrate of Chang Ping, whom and is famous for solving crime and maintaining justice, particularly amongst common the Chinese People. In the book, Judge Dee is faced with three murders. As Judge Dee begins solving the crimes, the story unfolds slowly and presents historical, social, legal, philosophical and even religious pictures of ancient China. Tang Dynasty China was a period in which society was strongly influenced by Confucianism, due strongly to the previous influence of the Han Dynasty. These Confucian standards within Tang society strongly guide interpersonal relationships throughout the story in the form of right relationships; in particular, the relationships between father and son, ruler and subject, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother, and the relationship between friends. These standards of interpersonal relationship strongly emphasized in Confucian belief played major roles throughout the three trials which Judge Dee faced. In order to examine the stories, the Confucius principal should first be discussed in great depth. Confucius sees social order as a series of status groups and graded roles, from the ruler at the top through officials, scholars, gentleman, all the way to the father of the family; all with authority over, as well as a responsibility to set a good example to those below them. The key element of these interpersonal relationships is right relationships (also known as five relationships). These relationships refer to the ties between father and son, ruler and subject, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother, and those between friends. [1] The relationship between father and son, according to Confucius, is that children always respect their parents and parents always are a moral model for their children. Between ruler and subject, the rulers are responsible for taking care of his people, trust his subject and be a good model, while the subjects should remain loyal and faithful to their rulers. The husband should treat his wife respectfully, while the wife should support the  husband. The elder brother should be a good role model and take good care of and younger one, while the younger one should respect the older brother (brothers being fraternal to each other). Finally, friends should be honest and trustworthy toward one another. From the five relationship principle, every person has many roles to play in this life , or in this society, and must obey these five relationships so that the world and the universe can improve toward perfection. These relationships are also interchangeable and relative. For example, a father in family can also be a subject to the rulers, a friend to other people and meanwhile a son to his mother. It s therefore believed that every person has a duty to follow through with their role within society, a concept which is clearly upheld by Judge Dee throughout the book. In Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee, there are many cases follow the Confucius guide previously mentioned. For example, one of Confucius’ Analects says, â€Å"In order to increase the peace and harmony in society, appoint the honest and empathetic to office.†Ã¥â€œâ‚¬Ã¥â€¦ ¬Ã¥â€¢ Ã¦â€º °:ã€Å'ä ½â€¢Ã§â€š ºÃ¥â€°â€¡Ã¦ °â€˜Ã¦Å" ?〠Ã¥ ­â€Ã¥ ­ Ã¥ ° Ã¦â€º °: ã€Å'舉ç› ´Ã©Å' ¯Ã¨ « ¸Ã¦Å¾â€°,則æ °â€˜Ã¦Å" ;舉枉éÅ' ¯Ã¨ « ¸Ã§â€º ´,則æ °â€˜Ã¤ ¸ Ã¦Å" Ã£â‚¬â€š 〠[2]. Similarly, the Judge Dee story follows this Confucian principle, as evidenced by the original introduction: â€Å"If, therefore, a judge is honest, then the people in his districts will be at peace.†[3]. If a judge, as a ruler to the people in the lower level, can be honest to the people, then the people will obey and the society can remain in order, as portrayed within the right relationship principle between ruler and subject. Readers can also see this principle applies in the cases which face Judge Dee. The story begins with the murder of a travelling silk merchant, whom was traveling with another merchant. The merchants were travelling together for safety, when one of them murdered the other, sold the victim’s possessions, and ran away to live a wealthy life. When caught, the merchant placed all blame on someone else. The relationship portrayed between these two merchants, according to Confucianism, is one between friends (Confucius states that friends should be straight, honest, trustworthy and well informed in order to benefit in life). However, the merchant Shao thought  differently. Instead of being a trustworthy and honest friend, he ruins the relationship between friends, and commits the murder, thus creating chaos in society. Another murder case n the story takes place in Huanghua village. A woman, Mrs Djou, had an affair with Mr. Hsu. Later Mrs Djou murdered her husband Bee Husn in order to have Mr. Hsu marry her. Mrs. Djou even gives her little daughter drugs so that her daughter cannot tell on her. Mrs. Bee, Mr.s Djou’s mother in law, had been ill since the time of her son’s death, though Mrs. Djou neglected this fact and did not try to take care of her. These behaviors broke three principles of the right relationships. First, Mrs. Djou committed a severe crime of killing her husband, and broke the relationship between a husband and a wife. Also, she gave drugs to her own daughter, ruining the relationship between the parent and the child. A mother should be a good model and take care of her child, but she failed to do that. Moreover, she ignored Mrs. Bee’s illness instead of trying to cure her, once again breaking the relationship between parents and children. Mrs. Djou failed to be a mother and here, failed to be a daughter in law. At the end of the case, Judge Dee sentences Mrs. Djou to a painful execution for murdering her husband and having an affair with another man. Mr. Hsu is sentenced to strangulation because he took part in the crime of having a affair with Mrs. Djou. However, there is another person who gets punished, Doctor Tang, Mr. Hsu’s teacher. Dr. Tang is the host teacher of the private school, and lives with all his students, taking charge in the supervision of his pupils. During the tribunal, Judge Dee told Doctor Tang, â€Å"You, a man of wide learning and many years experience, have failed miserably in your duties as a tutor. The crime of adultery took place in your house, and, as it were, under your very eyes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.you are strictly forbidden ever again to engage in the teaching of students.† [4]The Judge then proclaims to Mrs. Bee(though does not in fact punish her), â€Å"You failed in your duty of supervising the conduct of your daughter-in-law, and consequently two heinous crimes were committed in your house.†[5] This relates again to the Confucian theory of right relationships. The elderly should play his/her role as an older person  in the Chinese society, or else the society will go without order, a nd though Mrs. Bee doesn’t get punishment, the words Judge Dee says clearly portray interpersonal relationships in Chinese society. Throughout the story the concept of right relationships is so important that people get punished, or scolded when they fail their Confucian duty. Doctor Tang was both elderly and a teacher, and is therefore responsible as a teacher, mentor, and supervisor in the lives of his students. However, he fails his duty as a teacher. According to the story, because Mrs. Bee and Dr. Tang did not do their duty of watching and guiding the younger ones (daughter in law and students), they indirectly let the crime take place and caused the tragedy. Throughout Celebrated Cases of Jude Dee, the relationship between ruler and ruled, between friends, husband and wife, parents and sons/daughters, the elderly and the younger remains incredibly significant, and continuously guides interpersonal relationships. Those whom did not follow the standards of the right relationships were met with punishment from Judge Dee, strongly exemplifying Confucian morality as a whole, and in many ways portraying a large aspect of Tang era society. Bibliography Gulik, Robert Van. Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1976 Murphey, Rhoads. A History of Asia Sixth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc., 2009 ———————– [1] Rhoads Murphey, A History of Asia Sixth Edition, (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Person Education Inc., 2009),32 [2] Confucius and his students, Analects 2:19(ç‚ ºÃ¦â€ ¿Ã§ ¬ ¬Ã¤ ºÅ'ç ¬ ¬Ã¥  Ã¤ ¹ Ã¦ ¢ ) [3] Robert Van Gulik, Celebrated Cases of Judge Dà  â‚¬Ã   Å'à  Å½Ã   â€˜Ã   Å"à   Ã    ¥Ã    ¦Ã    «Ã    ¬Ã    ®Ã    ¯Ã    ´Ã  ¡Ë†Ã  ¡â€°Ã  ¡Å½Ã  ¡ Ã  ¡â€˜Ã  ¡â€¢Ã  ¡ ¥Ã  ¢ ºÃ  ¢ ¼Ã  £â€ Ã  £â€¡ee, (Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications, Inc., 1976),5 [4] Robert Van Gulik, Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee, (Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications, Inc., 1976),208 [5] Robert Van Gulik, Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee, (Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications, Inc., 1976),208

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Study - Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Essay

Case Study - Federal Deposit Insurance Corp - Essay Example For example, Toyland the owner of a departmental store in Houston, contracts with Pantaloon, a manufacturer of children toys in New York, for $15,000 worth toys. In the absence of negotiable instruments, Toyland would have to remit or take across the country the said amount which is risky and inconvenient. If the money is stolen in transit, it will create additional botheration for the company besides the financial loss. Check facilitates transfer of the funds through the designated bank. The transaction through the check is convenient to both the parties. Some types of negotiable instruments are promissory notes, certificates of deposit, drafts and checks. The legal requirements for an instrument to be negotiable: That it should be in writing and signed by the issuer and it should contain an unconditional promise to pay a fixed amount of money, as per terms and conditions described in the promise or order. It may be with or without interest. It is a bearer instrument or payable to order, either on demand or at prescribed future date. It should â€Å"not state any other undertaking or instruction by the person promising or ordering to do any act in addition to the payment of money. However, it may contain (a) an undertaking or promise relative to collateral to secure payment, (b) an authorization for confession of judgment, or (c) a waiver of benefit of any law intended for the advantage or protection of an obligor.† (p.780) A holder in course of a negotiable instrument has special rights. â€Å"Normally, the transferee of an instrument—like the assignee of a contract—gets only those rights in the instruments that are held by the person from whom he got the instrument. But a holder in due course can get better rights. A holder in due course takes a negotiable instrument free of all personal defenses, claims to the instrument, and claims in recoupment either of the obligor or of a third party.† (p.797)The advantage

Sunday, July 28, 2019

MACRO ECONOMIC SECTOR OUTLOOK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MACRO ECONOMIC SECTOR OUTLOOK - Essay Example The services provided by the telecommunication sector has become a necessary service for us for our daily life, and hence it can well be expected that consumers as well as business enterprises will not be able to reduce their spending on this service even in recessions. Thus the investment potential of the telecommunication sector seems to be very bright. To gain more from our investments, we can invest in the telecommunication sector of the highly growing markets of India, China, Turkey, etc., while retaining our exposure to European countries and the USA. FINACIALS: The interest rate sensitivity of the financial sector is very high and this sector shows a tendency of providing great during the period of low interest rates. Since, the level of interest rates in the USA and European nations are now quite low at the phase of economic recovery, the investments in the financial sector of these nations are expected to provide excellent performance. However, presently investments in this sector involve a great amount of risk due to high inflation in Asian countries and Obama’s financial policies relating to trade. Due to this reason, we are underweight in this sector. But this should not be a thing of great anxiety as we still possess sufficient weights for having adequate return on out investments. However, we should be cautious about our investment decision in China due to increase in the rate of interest in this nation. Hence, we should limit out exposure to china and concentrate more on the financial markets of USA and Europe as interest rates can be expected to remain low here. MATERIALS: The materials sector has a tendency to outperform other defensive areas during economic expansions. The materials sector is such a economic field where we can be overweight. Investments in this sector at this time or in near future could be a bit risky as it may loose its growth momentum after the fast growth that it has been experiencing for some time. Moreover, the se ctor is suffering form lower demand from countries like China which is lowering the prices and negatively affecting the overall performance of the sector. However, we are still maintaining our exposure to this hard commodity sector as we expect that even with lower demand this sector will be able to provide better performance compared to other defensive sectors. ENERGY: The energy sector is one of those sectors which are expected to provide lucrative returns. This sector has a quite high dependence on oil prices. Since, oil prices are expected to follow an increasing path in future, the energy sector is expected to outperform other areas. Oil prices are expected to rise for a number of factors including reduction in supply of oil by OPEC, increase in demand for oil with economic recovery in USA, Europe, China, India and other nations, expansion of money supply in the USA that is expected to create inflationary pressure. Thus, it will be a great decision to maintain our exposure in t he energy sector. We can also increase our exposure in this sector. We are also increasingly investing in oil services and exploration as they are now placed on high growth path. CONSUMER STAPLES: Being a defensive sector, the sector of consumer staples is facing lower growth opportunities in this period of economic recovery. Rising prices of foods has produced negative impacts on the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Maritime Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Maritime Insurance - Essay Example Furthermore, there are also few other insurance policies categorised as credit or debt insurances and buying insurance (Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, 2011). The primary objective of the paper is to present a view on the maritime insurance served by Lloyd’s Insurance Broker. This insurance will be served to a manufacturer of domestic electrical appliances and the pertinent aspects of the insurance will be described by a presentation report which includes the overview of the Lloyd’s company and maritime or marine insurance along with including merits for the manufacturing company. Lloyd’s is a United Kingdom based company which serves the customers in insurance and banking sectors. Lloyd’s had planned to start an insurance business after being influenced by the growing population and problems faced by the people. Since then, the idea was formulated and a corporate body was formed in 1688 from its own coffee house. Lloyd’s insurance corporate body was formulated underneath ‘Lloyd’s Act 1871 of the British Parliament’. The business processes of Lloyd’s are run by the members, managing agents, brokers and other members who support the governing body in operating the business. Lloyd’s generally deals with or serves its customer with a financial backup at the time of facing problems. The policies those are issued by Lloyd’s for their customers are related to casualty, energy, reinsurance, property, marine, motor and aviation. The history of Lloyd’s states the fact that they were the first insuran ce company to insure the commercial flight. However, it is also observed that Lloyd’s serves their customers with new and innovative insurance policies from its past till recent times. Lloyd’s fundamentally serves certain polices to protect the customers from certain risks which are unique and complicated. It serves in over 200 countries worldwide. Lloyd’s is one of the best and largest insurance

The Republic of Mass Culture by James L. Baughman Essay

The Republic of Mass Culture by James L. Baughman - Essay Example Proceeding with an outline of the extent to which television impacted the operational parameters of both radio and print journalism, Baughman explains how and why this led to cooperation, rather than competition. As radio, film and print journalism found themselves confronted by television, a communications and entertainment medium which was drawing audiences away from them, they realized their inherent limitations for successful and effective competition. Quite simply stated, they could not compete with television. They, therefore, relied on a survival strategy which they had used in the past when faced with similar challenges: cooperation and imitation as opposed to competition. In brief, when newspapers were confronted with the challenged posed by radio, not only did they proceed to make significant changes to their content but they gave greater space to entertainment and pictures. Certainly, the gap between radio and newspaper remained but it gradually narrowed down in such a way as to allow the survival of the latter in face of the competition posed by the former. As Baughman explains through an in-depth historical analysis, this strategy was used vis--vis each new mass medium. The television, however, proved... As a survival strategy, however, this was simply not sufficient. Print journalism and radio could hardly compete with television but what they did do was define the mass media market itself and proceed to identify the different segments and sub-segments wherein, following which the engaged in the identification of their target audience and the design of content to meet the tastes of the target segments. The mass media evolved into an industry which relied on market studies and marketing in order, not just to survive but, to prosper and grow. The mass media industry began to borrow and implement the tools and strategies traditionally associated with other industries. Hence, marketing and PR departments evolved. Even as regards newspapers whose primary purpose is to report the news, irrespective of whether the public will find it enjoyable' and interesting, or not, content was influenced by marketing research. As Baughman argues, "market forces, or, more accurately, a perception of the market"1 shaped the content of mass media and influenced the evolution of novel trends therein. As he explains the extent to which the mass media made the transition from an information communications medium, whose content was primarily determined by developing news and events, to an almost wholly entertainment based channel of popular communication, whose content is determined by market studies, Baughman presents a controversial thesis. We are not, as seems to be the popular opinion, living in the Information Age but in an age where, despite the abundance of media channels and types, information is superficial and geared towards entertainment. The public, the market, is dictating the information to be conveyed and, within the context of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

FM demodulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FM demodulation - Essay Example The PLL has a voltage-controlled oscillator, a phase detector, and a low pass filter connected in a feedback loop. The input voltage determines the frequency of oscillation at the output of the VCO (Sedra 1998). This fosc is equal to the intermediate frequency fi required to be 470 kHz in this case. The circuit is built on a proto board according to the block diagram shown fig1 bellow; The components required are; CD 4046 CMOS Phase-Lock Loop (PLL) integrated circuit Resistors of values; 1k, 10k, 18k (2). Capacitors of values; 0.1?F, 0.01?F, 3900pF and, Breadboard. The actual circuit is realized according to the circuit shown in fig 2 bellow. The circuit components in the PLL providing a centre frequency of 470 kHz are determined according to the equation, fosc = 1/2Ð ¿RC. Therefore 470000Hz*2Ð ¿ = 1/RC and taking R = 100K then 1/C =470000* 2Ð ¿*100000= 3.386pF and the preferred value is 3400nf. The capture range is given by 2fc=1/Ð ¿ (2Ð ¿fL/R1)1/2 and for audio the maximum ran ge is 20 kHz and R1 = 1k therefore the frequency of the filter is given by; (2*20000*Ð ¿) 2 = 2Ð ¿fL/R1 fL= (2*2000*Ð ¿)2*1000/2Ð ¿ = 25.136 GHz and so the filter components are obtained as shown bellow; 25.136*109 = 1/2Ð ¿RfCf and with Rf taken as 18K then Cf = 1/ (25.136*109*2Ð ¿*18000) = 35176.4pF The lock in range is given by fmax – fmin and; fmin= 1/R2(C1+32PF) = 1/10000(3900+32)*10^-12 = 25432.35Hz fmax = 1/R1(C1+32PF) + fmin = 1/1000(3900+32)*10^-12 +25432.35 = 279755.85 Hz Hence lock in range = 254323.5 Hz. Also, capture range 2fc = (2K0fpVDD)1/2 K0 =VDD/2= 15/2 =7.5 2fc = (2*7.5*25432.5*15)1/2 = 7564.6Hz Discussion Did the loop demodulate NBFM? The loop demodulates narrow band FM that occupies the frequency range of 0-15kHz as this frequency range lies within the capture range and the lock range of the circuit. Could it be used to demodulate WBFM without any alteration? The loop demodulate the wide band FM as the low pass filter above has a value of 25.136 GHz, which is well above the capture range of WBFM, which is customarily around 10.7 MHz with a system bandwidth of 200 kHz. This bandwidth is within the centre frequency range of 470 kHz (Alencar 2005) What happened to the lock-in and capture range when the loop components were altered? The capture range is low if the cut off frequency of the filter is lower; this is achieved by varying the filter components i.e. using large filter capacitance, and resistor values. On the other hand, the capture range is made large by using lower values of filter components thereby increasing the cut off frequency (Carlson 2002). A wider capture range is desirable as it enables demodulation of WBFM while a small capture range is desirable as it enables the attenuation of high frequency components thereby improving the signal to noise ratio of the system. The lock-in range follows the above relation, as it is also directly proportional to the filter cut off frequency. How would you modify the PLL in ord er to demodulate WBFM? From the relation of WBFM, 2fc = (2K0fpVDD)0.5 it is seen that the capture range 2fc is directly

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Study of protocols in a VoIP network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Study of protocols in a VoIP network - Essay Example These applications later came out with voice conversation features in which users utilize computer headsets or IP telephone handsets in communicating with one another. Services like call forwarding, conference calling, voicemail, contact management and directory assistance were later added and paved the way for the creation of a new revolutionary technology - Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP. This development has captured the attention of telecom regulators and operators who have now started to embrace the technology as one of their mainstream services. The two most popular protocols, H.323 and SIP will be discussed in this report. H.323 is a standard for the transmission of real-time audio, video, and data information over IP-based networks. The standard contains specifications on the components, protocols, and procedures required in providing multimedia communication over local-area networks (LANs), metropolitan-area networks (MANs), wide-area networks (WANs) and even enterprise networks (ENs). Applications of H.323 may include IP telephony (audio only), videotelephony (audio and video), audio+ data and audio+video+data. H.323 can also be used for point-to-point or point-to-multipoint-multimedia communications like videoconferencing. Based on these applications, it can be seen that the standard can be utilized in a wide market segment - from consumer to enterprise to telco services. The H.3 Versions The H.323 standard is specified by the ITU-T Study Group 16. Version 1 was formulated in 1996 and refers to visual telephone systems and equipment for LANs that provide a nonguaranteed quality of service (QoS). It is geared more for consumer applications via LANs and the Internet. Version 2 of the standard was formulated in 1998 to accommodate the introduction of new voice-over-IP (VoIP) applications and IP telephony. The absence of a governing standard for these applications resulted to incompatibility of PC-based equipment and PBX or PSTN-based peripherals, so the new H.323 version was defined. At present, there are moves to add new specifications to the standard for new applications like fax-over-IP networks, gatekeeper-to-gatekeeper communications, and fast-connection mechanisms. This will pave the way for Version 3 of the standard. Components The H.323 standard specifies four kinds of components: 1. Terminals. An H.323 terminal can either be a personal computer (PC) or a stand-alone device, running the multimedia applications. It primarily supports audio communications but can optionally support video or data communications. The primary goal of H.323 is to interface standard-defined equipment with other multimedia terminals. 2. Gateways. A gateway refers to the equipment used to provide connectivity between an H.323 network and a non-H.323 network. The H.323 network can consist of PCs and PC-based peripherals while a non-H.323 network can refer to a PBX or PSTN network. In order to achieve connectivity between these two dissimilar networks, translating protocols were developed for traditional telephony features like call setup and release. It should be noted that a gateway is not required for communication between two H.323 terminals within an H.323 network. 3. Gatekeepers. A gatekeeper is necessary if an H.323 network will be implemented with services such as billing, addressing, call-routing, bandwidth management and authorization and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

NYSE and AMEX Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NYSE and AMEX - Research Paper Example The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) are examples of stock markets that this paper will address. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) original name was the New York Stock & Exchange Board at its inception in 1817. The NYSE resides in New York City and stands out as the largest equities-based exchange based on market capitalization in the world and the only exchange operator in the Fortune 500. It also known as the "Big Board† and only became a public entity in 2005 on acquiring the electronic trading exchange Archipelago. However, in 2007, NYSE merged with the European exchange to establish a parent company called the NYSE Euronext, which operates the NYSE. The merger marked a great step in the global financial markets where most of the NYSE operations are now electronic. Subject, to its rich history, the NYSE attracts majority of the largest and successful companies in the world. Indeed, the NYSE even allows foreign-based corporations to list their shares on the NYSE upon satisfying the listing standards (â€Å"NYSE Euronext† 1). On the other hand, the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) also resides in New York City. Its original name was the New York Curb Exchange until it changed to AMEX in 1953. Initially, members in a mutual organization owned the AMEX. The AMEX attracts many smaller companies who cannot meet NYSE's strict listing and reporting requirements (â€Å"ADVFN† 1). As a result, the AMEX stands out as the third largest stock exchange in the U.S by trading volume where it handles approximately 10% of all American trades and comes after NYSE and NASDAQ (â€Å"ADVFN† 1). However, the NYSE Euronext acquired AMEX on October 1, 2008 and its equities changed to NYSE Amex Equities (â€Å"NYSE Euronext† 1). The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) owns the AMEX but the NYSE Euronext operates it (â€Å"ADVFN† 1). The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) now known as the NYSE Euro next operates global financial markets and provides innovative trading technologies in the financial market. It also offers the largest futures and options trading venues in the world where it provides derivatives on commodities, FX, equities, bonds, interest rates, indices, and swaps. Specifically, the NYSE deals with U.S equities, European equities, NYSE technologies, global derivatives, exchange trade products, indices, and bonds (â€Å"NYSE Euronext† 1). Indeed, the NYSE Technologies are significant in offering high-class transaction, data, and infrastructure management services and solutions across the globe (â€Å"NYSE Euronext† 1). Notably some of the corporations that trade with the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Network Security through the protocol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Network Security through the protocol - Essay Example DF is the flag Don't Fragment S is the first part of three-way TCP handshake (SYN, SYN, ACK) Seq is the sequence number Ack is the Acknowledgement TcpLen is the length of the TCP protocol TcpOption Provision for optional header fields MSS 1460 is the maximum segment size, or maximum IP datagram size that can be handled without using fragmentation. Both sides of the connection must agree on a value; if they are different, the lower value is used. As we have seen the dissection of the above packet we will directly get into packet analyses for the rest of the packets. Analyses of all the network packets: 08/16-15:27:17.820587 -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:48195 IpLen:20 DgmLen:44 DF ******S* Seq: 0xF1908361 Ack: 0x0 Win: 0x2000 TcpLen: 24 TCP Options (1) => MSS: 1460 =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ At this packet the source address is sending information to the destination through TCP. Here the initial phase of the TCP is done. Sync is done in the TCP handshake. The sequence number is given in hexadecimal. Now the destination would receive the packet and send an acknowledgement back to the source. 08/16-15:27:17.820656 -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:2676 IpLen:20 DgmLen:44 DF ***A**S* Seq: 0x7CFB7BBA Ack: 0xF1908362 Win: 0x2238 TcpLen: 24 TCP Options (1) => MSS: 1460 =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Here we see that the destination with port 139 has sent an acknowledgement back to the source with an acknowledgement 0xF1908362. This Ack would be received by the 08/16-15:27:17.820785 -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0...Generally these packets can be easily sniffed using different packet sniffers like wireshark, snort, capsa etc., These packet analyzers are generally used so that it can used to analyze any kind of network problem, it can be used to detect the network intrusion attempts, it can gain information for effecting a network intrusion, to monitor the network usage, to debug client and server communication. Here let us analyze and decode the network packets. MSS 1460 is the maximum segment size, or maximum IP datagram size that can be handled without using fragmentation. Both sides of the connection must agree on a value; if they are different, the lower value is used. At this packet the source address is sending information to the destination through TCP. Here the initial phase of the TCP is done. Sync is done in the TCP handshake. The sequence number is given in hexadecimal. Now being familiar with all the packet information let us move forward where the actual data has been transmitted between the two IP address. In the above packet we can see the hex dump of the packet where there is a message sent to the destination here. This is where the Session Request is done. Similarly the above packet gathers the acknowledgement of the previous packets and sends it as the sequence to the destination address where the connection has been established.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Evidence based practice in antenatal Essay Example for Free

Evidence based practice in antenatal Essay INTRODUCTION In this globalization world, the nursing career had become more challenges and competence. IOM Report (2003) title â€Å"Health Professions Education; A Bridge to Quality† have recommended evidence based practice (EBP) as one of the integration of core set competencies into health professions education. Now days, EBP is the most popular topic to be talk and written about in nursing, nationally and internationally. Hitherto, nurses at times don’t understand what is EBP and some nurses are even called it buzzword. The latter couldn’t be further from truth. EBP is here to stay and nurses must understand it. Sacket et al (2000) described EBP as the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patients values. Evidence base practice is the application of the best available empirical evidence, including recent research findings, to clinical practice in order to aid clinical decision making evidence based practice is based on the notion of rational decision making. Higgs and Jones (2000) have purposed that evidence in evidence-based practice should be considered to be knowledge derived from a variety of source that has been subjected to testing and has found to be credible. Here the nurse selects all research that has been done in area. These research results are analyzed together, synthesized, coming up with a through integrate review. Then, the research put into the context of clinical expertise and the value system of the patient, and particular protocols or best practices are developed. In this paper, the important of EBP will be explored in relation to antenatal clinic. The objective of the study is to assess the effect on obstetric practice and pregnancy outcome of routine late pregnancy ultrasound define as greater than 24 weeks gestation, in women with either unselected or low risk pregnancy .The Australasian Genetics Resource Book (2007) highlighted ultrasound is the use of high frequency sound waves to make an image. In pregnancy, an ultrasound gives a picture of the developing baby in the uterus (womb). It is regularly considered part of the routine care for all  pregnant women. The ultrasound is used as both a screening and a diagnostic test either give an indication that the baby is at an increased risk of a problem (a screening test), or it can detect a definite problem in the baby’s physical development for example, in the heart or the kidneys (a diagnostic test). Mostly, a mother will question the nursing staffs working at the antenatal clinic regarding the ultrasound screening whether the process is safety of their unborn baby and themselves. In the rural area of Malaysia, most of the antenatal clinics have no facility such as ultrasound machine. As a result, the pregnant women with medically indicated and get referral letter from medical officer or midwife have to go to government hospital in the city to have an ultrasound. In difference, the private hospital performed routine ultrasound screening for pregnant women in their late pregnancy. The selected evidence are cited by Bricker L and Neilson J (2000) ; Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy ( after 24 weeks gestation) track down from Cochrane Library. Cochrane Database of Systemic Review , 2007, issues 1,published by John Wiley and Sons,Ltd. This research is done by qualified person because one of two reviewers was Dr Leanne Bricker who was the consultant in fetal and maternal medicine of Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust. It could be argue that the reviewer is eligible to do this research and this made the research the more reliable. WHO Statistic (1999) mentioned that annually 585 000 women die of pregnancy related complications. It is 99% in developing countries and 1% in developed countries. So, we can summarize that every minute one women dies from a pregnancy related complication. In Malaysia, high rate of prenatal and maternal morbidity and mortality continue to be a major problem in the country. A crucial factor of good obstetrics is the provision of adequate care during the antenatal period. Antenatal care was first introduced to medicine in the first decade of this century. Hence, there no qualm that it has a brought gigantic benefit to women and their children. The main purpose of antenatal care is to ensure an uncomplicated for the mother and the safe delivery of a life and healthy infant. At present, modern technology and  information technology have beyond more complicated. The equipment such as the ultrasound machine also was greatly up to date. The users of ultrasound as one of the obstetrician a rmamentarium have been part of the cause to improved antenatal and intra partum care. An ultrasound scan uses high frequency sound waves in very short pulses. These travel from a transducer, which rests on your skin, and are reflected off different tissues inside you and then received back at the transducer. The transducer passes the signal into a computer that displays an image of your insides on a screen. Usually this image represents a thin 2 dimensional slice of your anatomy. The operator moves the transducer around to get the best views to help diagnosis, whilst watching on the screen for anything abnormal. They will record several images or short video clips to illustrate the scan and these are kept in a computer database that is part of your patient record. The operator will use a small amount of gel on your skin to ensure the transducer contacts your skin effectively. Routine ultrasound can be used in late pregnancy to detect problems which may not otherwise be apparent, such as abnormalities in the placenta in the fluid surrounding the baby, or in the baby’s growth. The process of evidence base practice involved critical appraisal as one of the step. Hill Spittlehouse (2001) defined critical appraisal as the process of systematically examining research evidence to access its validity, results and relevance before using it to inform a decision. Ahead of implementation of critical appraisal it is essential to understand research process principal and being able to recognize a well conceived designed of conducted study. The Critical Appraisal Skills provide us what is the best evidence in order to understand the methods and result of research besides to access the quality of the research. Oxman et al 1994, mentioned that the piece of evidence will be critically appraise for it validity and quality using and appraisal tool named, Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). The word research means to search again and examine carefully, more specifically, research is a diligent, systematic inquiry or study that validate and refines existing knowledge and develop new knowledge. In fact,  research is determined, hand on, received, understand and accepted by nurse practitioner only, (Brown 1999). Furthermore, the ultimate goal of research is the development of a research body of knowledge for a discipline or profession like nursing. Joppe (2000) highlighted that the reliability of result is the key questions in a research. Brown ,1999;Melnyk Fineout- Overholt;2005 stated that evidence based practice is the conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and need in the delivery of high quality , cost – effective health care. In this research, the reviewer has made the research more reliable by provided data of all research finding plus a clear precise description of the research methodology. BODY This title of the research clearly indicates the focus of the study. Above and beyond, the abstract includes the study problem, objectives, search strategy, selected criteria, data collection and analysis, significant result and implications of the findings for nursing practice. This research is significance to read because all relevant information is presented in a way that captures the attention of the reader. Crosby (1990) point out that a well-written abstract gives readers a good idea of what the study is about, how it was conducted and the findings or recommendations by the author. It is being stated clearly that, the reviewers drew on the search strategy developed for the pregnancy and childbirth as a whole. Relevant of trial were identified in the groups specialized registered of control test. The pilot reviewer assessed trial quality and abstract data under supervision of co-reviewer. Moreover, the trial were not assess blinded as the reviewer have the information about the author identification, source of publication and result when making inclusion criteria. In fact, regarding the disagreement and insufficient data, the reviewer contacted the author personally above and beyond search in all relevant studies in published and unpublished studies. The publication prejudice is less because all of the studies were in English. The neonatal upshot measures of the research also  seek advice from professor of perinatal medicine. By the way, any debarred trial was undoubtedly given a reasonable accused and all the information of follow up was stated in the references. The participants included all women in late pregnancy (after 24 weeks gestation) in both unselected population and the sample size of the trial wide-ranging. The type of intervention used was routine ultrasound examine in late pregnancy (after 24 weeks gestation) to assess one/some/all of the conclusion measure on fetal size; amniotic fluid volumes; placental grading; fetal structural anatomy; fetal presentation. In relation to Crombie (1996), when choosing a study design, many factors must be taken into account because different types of studies are subject to different types of bias. It claimed that in this study there is no mention about consent and participants were kept in murkiness about the study. Almost certainly, it is great to mull over in the ethical aspect. It could be quarrel that the participants have been treated purely as a source of data. Theoretically, the ethical considerations in all research are the same; the safety and protection of human rights. These rights are mainly could be achieved by informed consent. While no inform consent was taken even so confidentially has maintained. On no account mention any involvement of ethical committee it is a poor steps as explaining the study design is the core of understanding the methodology. Olsen (2003) put in plain words that they are three elements of ethical research to firmly practice. In this review, all results were presented clearly and were similar from study to study. The reviewers have assessed the quality of each study and include all RCTs of routine ultrasound in late pregnancy after (24 weeks) in the research. Quasi-randomized trials were regard as for inclusion due to scarcity of RCTs. The study was good in view of the fact that the limitations of the research and the reason for any variation in the result were discussed in particular by reviewers. The ultrasound selection were differed among trials; some offering routine scans to all participant earlier in the pregnancy (before 24 weeks gestation), some offering no routine scan at anytime in pregnancy to the control group and some offering scan at all stages of the trial, but only revealing results of late  pregnancy ultrasound (after 24 weeks gestation) for the study group. Furthermore, the rationale for routine ultrasound scan after 24 weeks gestation differed among trials as it is difficult to assess the effect of scan before 24 weeks gestation on the outcome measures. Although the reviewers has point out that the most effective approach to assess the cause of routine late pregnancy ultrasound would be trials where the intervention in late pregnancy ultrasound alone, but this is not such trials exist. However, the reviewers also have reported on the predictable finding in this study. In the Perth 1993, they were significantly higher intrauterine growth restriction on the Serial ultrasound and Droppler examination group. Even, the author states that it may have a chance finding, it is possible that frequent exposure to ultrasound may have influence fetal growth. On the other hand, none of the addressed long term neurodevelopment results. Exposure of the expectant mother to uncertainty and possible anxiety about the health of her baby has implication of which may be far reaching. The reviewers also have identified the future research on the maternal psychological outcome and long term neurodevelopment outcome. From the time when, it is not mention what type of ultrasound machine was used and which group of personal is performing the procedure. Sometimes this could probably introduce preconceived notion to the results. In some situation, the ending measured effect the result because the quality of ultrasound imaging is not reach the standard regarding the technical capabilities of the ultrasound equipment and also on the skills or expertise of operators. METHODOLOGY There are two type of research method; quantitative research method and qualitative research method. The quantitative research method defined by Burn and Grove (2005), is conducted to test theory by describing variables, examining relationship among variables and determining cause – and – effect interactions between variable. It is a formal, objective, systematic process using numerical data to obtain information about the world. In addition, quantitative method is research method dealing with number and anything that  is measurable agreed by (Smith, 1988) that quantitative research involves counting and measuring of events and performing the statistical analysis of a body of numerical data. Counting and measuring are ordinary structure of the method. More often than not, the outcome or result of the study is presented in tables, graphs or other form of statistic because it is a kind of number or a series of numbers. If truth be told, the quantitative analysis endow with result that is more reliable for statistical approaches. The main concerns of the quantitative paradigm are that measurement is reliable, valid, and generalize in its clear prediction of cause and effect (Cassell Symon, 1994). The strengths of the quantitative method are it stating the research problem in very specific and set terms as stated by (Frankfort-Nachmias Nachmias, 1992). It also clearly and precisely specifies both the independent and the dependent variables under investigation. As well, quantitative method include following firmly the original set of research goals, arriving at more objective conclusions, testing hypothesis, determining the issues of causality. In view of (Balsley, 1970) it’s help achieving high levels of reliability of gathered data due to controlled observations, laboratory experiments, mass surveys, or other form of research manipulations. To boot, this method are also allowing for longitudinal measures of subsequent performance of research subjects. Kealey Protheroe (1996) indicated that quantitative method rally round eliminating or minimizing subjectivity of judgment. Despite the fact, the weaknesses of the quantitative method are failure to provide the researcher with information on the context of the situation where the studied phenomenon occurs and inability to control the environment where the respondents provide the answers to the questions in the survey. Limited outcomes to only those outlined in the original research proposal due to closed type questions and the structured format. More to the point, not encouraging the evolving and continuous investigation of a research phenomenon are the disadvantages of using quantitative approach. According to Munhall (2001) the qualitative research method is a systematic,  subjective approach used to described life experiences and situation and to give them meaning. The knowledge generated the qualitative research will provide meaning and understand of specific emotions, values and life experiences. As said by Morgan (1980), the qualitative research shares the theoretical assumptions of the interpretative paradigm, which is based on the notion that social reality is created and sustained through the subjective experience of people involved in communication. Some researcher using qualitative method are concerned in their research with attempting to accurately describe, decode, and interpret the meanings of phenomena occurring in their normal social contexts as declared by Fryer (1991). In view of that, qualitative approach in general is more likely to take place in a natural setting acknowledged by Denzin, 1971; Lincoln Guba, 1985; Marshall Rossman, 1989. The strengths of the qualitative method as declared by Bogdan Taylor, 1975; Patton, 1980, it provide a holistic view of the phenomena under investigation. Furthermore, qualitative method is the process of obtaining a more realistic feel of the world that cannot be experienced in the numerical data and statistical analysis used in quantitative research. It also provides the flexible ways to perform data collection, subsequent analysis, and interpretation of collected information. Kirk Miller, 1986 writes that it gives the ability to interact with the research subjects in their own language and on their own terms. Summarizing, the qualitative approach present descriptive capability based on primary and unstructured data However, the qualitative method coming up with some weaknesses of as point out by Cassell Symon (1994) that it departing from the original objectives of the research in response to the changing nature of the context. In that case it also arriving to different conclusions based on the same information depending on the personal characteristics of the researcher. The inability to investigate causality between different research phenomena and difficulty in explaining the difference in the quality and quantity of information obtained from different respondents and arriving at different, non-consistent conclusions appeared as the disadvantage of qualitative method. It follows requiring a high level of experience from the researcher  to obtain the targeted information from the respondent. Lastly, it also contributes lacking consistency and reliability because the researcher can employ different probing techniques and the respondent can choose to tell some particular stories and ignore others. In spite of that, the quantitative research method is used in this research. Seven eligible Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) were participated in this survey. The methodology mostly could be summarized as quality and the reporting of reports were good. Yet, the Glasgow 1984 (UK) study was ‘quasi randomized’ with allocation according to the hospitals number and this had probable to engender bias. On the other hand, RCTs for evaluating the effect of intervention in this study, is used even though it is less in effect in answering questions about patient’s personal experience, attitude or psychological outcome. Sequentially, to explore psychological aspect of the pregnant women during the routine ultrasound screening, it could be squabble that it will be more apt to include qualitative research in this study. Review Manager (Revman) software was used to act upon statistical analysis. Meta analysis was used to analyze and combine the result of the studies and it is an appropriate technique of data analysis. The plus of using this type of analysis is that it increases the sample size so that if the significant differences exist they are more likely to be demonstrated. Sacket (1996) mentioned that evidences from systematic review and Meta analysis has taken the top place of the hierarchy because it provides misleading about the effect of intervention. In this research, quantitative and qualitative approaches were bringing into being be a foil for each other while the scantiness of each were essentially counterbalance. Conversely, it also point out the time and cost implications, from the time when the volume of data produced was enormous and an tremendously extensive knowledge foot was vital to analyze it. Seeing as the â€Å"method† section is a strength of the study. In this study, the sample size was large (25 036 women) and included variety of subjects. This heterogeneity of the subject has increases the generalizability of the findings as agreed by Burns Groove (2005). The sampling method, sampling  criteria, and sample characteristics are clearly presented. The study could be considered as ethical because it was approval for conduct by an institutional review board but in state of affairs unethical because no informed consent was obtained from the object or sampling. RESULT In this research seven trial comprising 25,036 women were included ( Alesund 1999 ); Glasgow 1984; Perth 1993; new Zealand 1993;Trondheim 1984;Peterborough 1987 ; Radius 1993) . The attribute of the incorporated test on the whole was acceptable as assess by reviewers. There was no difference in antenatal, obstetric and neonatal intervention or morbidity in screened versus control group. From the result of the studies, routine ultrasound in late pregnancy was not associated with improvement in overall perinatal mortality. However, placental grading as an adjunct to third trimester examination scan was associated with a significant reduction in the stillbirth rate in the one trial that assessed it. There was no data on maternal psychological effect. Data with regard to long term substantive outcome in fetal neurodevelopment is lacking. IMPLICATIONS The study originated that there is thus far no evidence that routine ultrasound improves outcome or increase interventions. The fact, ultrasound could be used in late pregnancy to find the cause of compilation such as bleeding. In some situation, ultrasound screening in late pregnancy appears to be useful in placental grading. In some country, screening all pregnant women for possible problem late in pregnancy is controversial. The ultrasound is seen not demonstrated fetal harm if we use properly followed proper procedure. For the long term side effect, the users of repeated ultrasound are still not fully known regarding the exposure of the fetus. Some problems occur with such screening are increasing major intervention without benefit like caesarian section. Till now, there is no specific epidemiological evidence that ultrasound screening during pregnancy is harmful but no fact conclusion has been reached from available data, for  that reason continue awareness is necessary. In sp ite of that, the policy practice in the antenatal care needs a changeable. So, it is highly recommended that routine ultrasound in late pregnancy only be done for high risk mother such as mother with placental previa. RECOMMENDATIONS In fact, further studies on maternal physiological outcomes and long term neurodevelopment outcome for the fetus is essential to be carried out. In addition, the level of performance of technical operator and equipment should be sporadically audited and governed by a dogmatic body to prevent the mother and unborn child. In our day, nursing care is grant access to be root on the modern best evidence, interventions will be more useful and will effect in superior patient outcomes. So, nurses are motivated to learn how to group and interpret data to implement in their practice on the best evidence available. Evidence based practiced (EBP) has grows to be a critical concept for ethical liable in professionals nursing practice. As said by Mckenna et al (2004), negative beliefs, Krishbaum et al (2004), attitudes and value (Pravikoff et al 2005) have been shown to be powerful barrier to EBP. In order to overcome barriers in EBP, strategies are needed to recover such as awareness, knowledge and skills in evaluating evidences. It is also importance to have administrative support by providing access to EBP or research mentor in practice arena. As indicated by Avis (2006), the Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) are remains one of the best means to make your mind up whether one form of care is better than another. Since RCTs is purely and evaluation technique, the consequence of knowledge cannot be condense to the application of procedure to fabricate evidence. Besides, understand the result as well as the limitation of relevant research study, it also need an awareness of the background theories which influenced particular research studies. CONCLUSION In my view, this research is simply good because it provide complete information include literature review, sampling method, sampling size and etc. Basically the methodology was performed clearly and the result was presented well. All the statistical tools used were shown and the barrier exist were explained particularly. It is the most swollen with pride that the study had achieved the objectives and was helpful in development of nursing practice.

Competitive Advantage of Wal Mart Essay Example for Free

Competitive Advantage of Wal Mart Essay Every company is trying to avoiding failure and the goal is to have a sustaining competitive advantage. But when do companies have a sustainable competitive advantage? It depends on three factors: the barriers to imitation, the capability of competitors and the dynamism of the industry development. In the 1970s Wal Mart lost their competitive advantage. Sears had a better positioning like Wal Mart. Therefore Wal Mart distinguished the situation and improved its distribution system. It created new trade channels to save costs and invest in new information technology to improve their situation. Wal Mart found a way to change their strategies and structures to change their competitive conditions. Over time, Wal Mart got strong partnerships with suppliers. This was a key element to improve their performance on the market and it`s not easy to imitate. Those partnerships work now since a long time and other competitors might lack the volume of purchases Wal Mart can offer. With some diversifications like Sam’s Club, a new way of supercenters or their plan for the international expansion Wal Mart was able to confine from their competitors. Wal-Mart was the first low price company and retailer which expanded around the world. The CEO of Wal Mart focused on small-town markets and ignored the national discounters. So, Wal Mart has huge distribution capabilities and this is very difficult to imitate from competitors. The most significant advantage of Wal Mart is their using of the satellite system. They are using this system to compress their costs and get a distinguished communication system with all employees to every time. The overall achieved employee satisfaction has the advantage of highly motivated employees. This is an overall management issue and when the employees are motivated, the customers are feeling good and well served. In future, Wal-Mart was committed to find new ways to have the competitive advantage of the market. They invest in different strategies like trendy fashions, offering organic food and remodeling stores to achieve a high satisfaction during the shopping by customers. So, they were able to use the economic crisis to win new customers. A lot of people search after low price shopping possibilities. So investors cheered at Wal-Mart and the company outperformed both rival target and the SP 500 index. Wal Mart holds its quality due to the constant low priced policy. This EDLP is not easy to replicate unless you can offer consistently low prices. On account of the points Wal Mart is able to secure a sustaining competitive advantage at the moment. They are reacting directly and design their company with the time and respond on their employees and customers. Their competitors are able to imitate their policies but this can`t happen within the next year because Wal Marts` advantages are way to complex. As long as Wal Mart is always developing its competencies and keeping on track with the environmental changes, they do have a sustainable competitive advantage in the US.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategy Used By Premier Inn

Strategy Used By Premier Inn Premier Inn is the UKs biggest and fastest growing hotel company, owned by Whitbread. And the company contributes 70 of the total profits of Whitbread (Annual Report, 2009). As the hotel industry, the development of Premier Inn is highly dependent on the macro-environment, especially the tourism industry. Indeed, hotel industry and tourism industry have been so close that the following reduce in tourism after the economic crisis has strong impact on hotel operations. However, the British hotel industry has been suffered significant loss although it has manifested recovery during the previous years. Last year, the continuing crisis in global finance and trade has triggered the worlds worst economic plunge. UK unprecedented economic contraction was described by Sir Terry, Tescos chief executive, as low point. However, from the second half of year 2009, the UK economy appears to be in a slowly recovery. Companies have begun to hire and consumers seem to be increasing. This paper focuses on the strategies used by Premier Inn in this situation. Then we will review these strategies, and recommend some resolutions to close the gap. The following section will also use PEST analysis to audit the macro-environment that Premier Inn is facing. 2. Review on the Strategy Used by Premier Inn In this part, we will review the strategies that used by Premier Inn. And we will only focus on the marketing strategy and operating strategy. 2.1 Marketing Strategy Marketing strategy is very important and even could be the biggest factor in the success or failure of the company. Premier Inn also attached great importance to the marketing strategy. In this year, the company makes an additional 8 million pound in marketing investment (Annual Report, 2009). First, Premier Inn has start out a commercial action plan to enhance its status as the preferred hotel brand for travelers and to attract more leisure customers. They put in place four key levers in their marketing plan: focused advertising; increased sales activity; Premier Offers; and widening reservation distribution (Annual Report, 2009). Furthermore, the new website went live in November 2008 and has increased visits by 80, and now the site helps to attract over three million visits per month (Annual Report, 2009). Third, Premier Inn has also set out development of a new 267 bedroom budget hotel at Stratford, which adjacent to the Olympic Stadium (Annual Report, 2009). It can be seen that Premier Inn has already prepared for the 2012 Olympic Games. 2.2 Operating Strategy This paper considers that operating strategies in Premier Inn are as follows: First, Premier Inn has specific short and medium term growth programs, which give employees a specific direction. For instance, the company wants to increase room numbers in November 2010 by over 2500 rooms and target a 32 increase to 55000 rooms in the UK by the end of 2014 (Annual Report, 2009). In addition, the Premier Inn has decreased the overheads instead of adopting streamlining management, promoting the back-office processes and delivering a series of procurement initiatives. The company want to control cost tightly, through both procurement and operation efficiencies. And this helped underpin its operation margin. Last but not the least, the Whitbread launched Good Together program in January 2010, to drive sustainable performance and further deepen its corporate responsibility. This program has set goals for CO2 reduction, sustainable sourcing and waste management (Annual Report, 2009). Premier Inn also announced that they would build green hotel. The 60 bedroom Premier Inn, starting the business in autumn 2010, will use the best level sustainable construction materials to reduce 30 carbon emission and 40 water savings. 3. Evaluation on the Strategy Used by Premier Inn A PEST analysis is an outline that classifies environmental influences such as political, economic, social and technological forces (Camisà ³n, 2000). The analysis inspects the impact of each factors on the business (ÃŽÂ ¤ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã¢â€š ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·, 2009). The results can be used to seize the opportunities or to make contingency plans for threats when preparing business and strategic plans (Byars, 1991; Cooper, 2000). In this part, we will use PEST analysis to evaluation the strategy adopted by Premier Inn. Owing to the limited understanding of the technology, we will focus on the political, economic and social factors. At the end of this part, we will give recommendation on the strategy used by Premier Inn. 3.1 Political Factors Government policy is a major influence factor; its policy will influence the company directly and indirectly, but they also offer chances and challenges. After the global economic downturn in 2008, the government has issued a series of policies to boost economic growth. However, the policy aimed at hotel industry or tourism industry is very rare. But when the United Kingdom general election of 2010 was held, the three parties all put forward many programs to promote the tourism industry. Meanwhile, the British Tourism Association and Hospitality Association has lobby the government to issues some policies that are positive to tourist industry and hotel industry. Besides, in 2009, Prime Minister Gordon Brown offered the proposed program Low Carbon Industrial Strategy, which plans to provide more than 1.4 billion pound for the low carbon sector and those already adopted, and outlay 10.4 billion pound for low carbon investment over the next three years (Plesch, Austin Grant, 2005) . Based on these political factors, this paper considers that the strategies Premier Inn adopted are valid, especially the operating strategy. First, the operating strategy in Premier Inn is aggressive which just meet the political situation. Second, the Premier Inn has launched Good Together program which aims at CO2 reduction. These practices not fit the proposal the government advocated, but fit the societys environmental demands. 3.2 Economic Factors Economic factors influence how easy or hard it is to be successful and lucrative (Thompson, 2002). The UK government has held a serious of international sporting events in 2009, such as the Ashes and the ICC World Twenty 20. These events may promote visitor numbers and then boost the hotel industry. In addition, the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games will hold in London. This will provide the Britain hotel industry with a huge chance. Obviously, Premier Inn has already seized the opportunity because it has already developed some hotel which is adjacent to the Olympic Stadium. And the new website will play a significant role in convenient the consumers. Actually, the marketing strategy that Premier Inn adopted has already worked. From the annual report of the Whitbread, Premier Inn outperformed its competitors during October 2009. Regional income was down about 6.4 last year, compared to a decrease of 8.5 in the regional hotel sector and a decline of 9.6 in the whole regional hotel industry (Annual Report, 2009). 3.3 Social Factors Social factors also play an important part in the development of enterprises. Living conditions, income distribution and lifestyle all have tremendous influence on the operating methods of enterprises. With the improvement of living conditions, people are willing to spend more money in enjoying life and choose to relax after working, because their work are so busy and they have rare spare time. Therefore, the services provided by high-level hotels just meet the demands. But after economic crisis, the domestic demand has been weak, and an increasing number of British people choose to travel aboard instead of domestic travel. These social factors are clearly not advantage for the hotel industry. The marketing strategy Premier Inn adopted, as we described above, does not aim at this social situation. In the authors opinion, these strategies have more concern about the external market other than the domestic social conditions. But on the other hand, the increase in the number of non-profit environmental organizations indicates that publics sensitivity to environmental issues has significantly increased. The society has become more anxious and critical about the environmental practices of firms. Good Together program of Premier Inn not only shows the efforts made in environmental protection, but also enhances the corporate image and upgrades its enterprise competitiveness. 3.4Technique Factors Technology is widely recognized as an important competitive advantage (Chu Choi, 2000). As the hotel industry, technique factor seems have little relationship with the hotel development. But sometimes new and proper technology could provide unexpected harvest. From the strategy we mentioned above, Premier Inn have adopted the new website that now attracts over three million visits per month. Moreover, the company has used streamlining management to reduce the internal cost. In general, we think the strategy used by Premier Inn is very appropriate under the current situation. But the problem is that it is too much reliance on the international tourist industry. Once the outbreak of the economic crisis, this mode of operation is very dangerous and company may get into trouble. Actually, the domestic business and conference market is a buoyant sector for hotel (1996); meanwhile the economic gradual recovery will help to stimulate the hotel market. So Premier Inn should make some strategies to attract these potential consumers. To serve these high standards clients, Premier Inn should offer amenities services to meet the highest requirements. High quality and multi-functional rooms equipped with latest communication facilities, such as online 3D conference, will be very attractive. In details, based on what the businessman needs may different from the common consumers, the quick and facility services are obligatory to them. Such as the office supplies, fast printers and speedy laundry facilities are all very important to these consumers. 4. Conclusion In this paper, we focus on the strategies used by Premier Inn after the serious economic crisis. The article mainly analyzes the marketing and operating strategies with PEST analysis in the current situation. In general, we consider that Premier Inn has adopted appropriate strategies to boost its development. But the problems in the strategies were pointed out that the company has not paid enough attention on the domestic market. In the authors opinion, Premier Inn should pay more attention on its domestic market.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Twelve Tribes of Israel: An Organizational Movement :: Twelve Tribes Israel Essays

The Twelve Tribes of Israel: An Organizational Movement The Rastafarian Movement has been one of the most important movements of our time. It has proved to us that it is possible to make lemonade out of the lemons that are dealt to us, and that violence is not the only way to deal with troubles or get what you feel you deserve. It has also provided a system of faith and following for over 700,000 loyal people. A Social, political and religious explosion with as few negative connotations as possible, Rasta is just about as good as it gets. Like all religious trees, Rasta has branched out into a variety of sub-movements, such as Nyabinghi, the Ethiopian National Congress or Bobo dreads, and the Twelve Tribes of Israel, just to name a few. The Twelve Tribes are especially interesting because they believe in salvation for all races, whereas the doctrines of other Rastas are exclusive to Blacks, primarily because of the very roots of the religion: Whites making slaves out of them. While this idea may seem quite revolutionary, there are other aspects of this movement that are completely receded. Frankly, the faith resembles its influences of Christianity and Judaism more than Rastafarianism, in a lot of instances. The purpose of this paper is to shed a little bit of light on the widely unknown subject of this interesting and persistent movement. First I will discuss the history of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, an ideal embraced primarily and whole-heartedly by the Jews. The name 'Israel' comes from heaven. Most of us, when we hear the word ‘Israel’ think only of the Jews. But from the beginning they have had to share this title with a great many others, because in scripture the House of Israel consists of twelve tribes and the Jews are just one of those twelve. Jacob was just an ordinary guy, living long before the birth of Jesus Christ. He had 2 wives who were sisters, and two slave-wives. Between them were born 12 boys. One night while these kids were young, an angel came to Jacob and they spent the entire evening wrestling. The angel was God. Suprisingly, God didn’t annihilate this mere human, and the match ended in a stalemate. God then changed Jacob’s name to Israel, which means, "rebel". Who else but a rebel would physically fight with the angel of God? The Twelve Tribes of Israel: An Organizational Movement :: Twelve Tribes Israel Essays The Twelve Tribes of Israel: An Organizational Movement The Rastafarian Movement has been one of the most important movements of our time. It has proved to us that it is possible to make lemonade out of the lemons that are dealt to us, and that violence is not the only way to deal with troubles or get what you feel you deserve. It has also provided a system of faith and following for over 700,000 loyal people. A Social, political and religious explosion with as few negative connotations as possible, Rasta is just about as good as it gets. Like all religious trees, Rasta has branched out into a variety of sub-movements, such as Nyabinghi, the Ethiopian National Congress or Bobo dreads, and the Twelve Tribes of Israel, just to name a few. The Twelve Tribes are especially interesting because they believe in salvation for all races, whereas the doctrines of other Rastas are exclusive to Blacks, primarily because of the very roots of the religion: Whites making slaves out of them. While this idea may seem quite revolutionary, there are other aspects of this movement that are completely receded. Frankly, the faith resembles its influences of Christianity and Judaism more than Rastafarianism, in a lot of instances. The purpose of this paper is to shed a little bit of light on the widely unknown subject of this interesting and persistent movement. First I will discuss the history of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, an ideal embraced primarily and whole-heartedly by the Jews. The name 'Israel' comes from heaven. Most of us, when we hear the word ‘Israel’ think only of the Jews. But from the beginning they have had to share this title with a great many others, because in scripture the House of Israel consists of twelve tribes and the Jews are just one of those twelve. Jacob was just an ordinary guy, living long before the birth of Jesus Christ. He had 2 wives who were sisters, and two slave-wives. Between them were born 12 boys. One night while these kids were young, an angel came to Jacob and they spent the entire evening wrestling. The angel was God. Suprisingly, God didn’t annihilate this mere human, and the match ended in a stalemate. God then changed Jacob’s name to Israel, which means, "rebel". Who else but a rebel would physically fight with the angel of God?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Intramural Sports Essay -- Essays Papers

Intramural Sports Intramurals are an organization of sports teams created for students who seek the opportunity to play sports. Those who participate in intramurals range in age, ability, and gender. These sports teams allow students to play a sport they enjoy without committing to a varsity team. Intramurals are designed for everyone to have fun but still have a competitive edge. It is easy to get involved and learn about intramurals at the University of Dayton. There are many possible ways as a student at Dayton to get involved in intramurals. Involvement in intramurals gives the chance to not only play sports that are enjoyable, but also the opportunity to meet new people and develop a relationship with them. One way that many people get involved is through people they have met or already know. For example, someone you met the other day, or a friend from high school could ask you to sign up for their team. Another popular way to get involved is through the residence hall, and play on a team with the other people in your hall. After talking to people ...